Janet, her husband John, and their two daughters, eight year old Audrey and seven year old Libby, live in an urban neighborhood. They and their neighbors had noticed a van with a small beat up camper
trailer parked at the end of the block. The van had now been there five months.Coming home from church one Sunday, Janet felt God gently leading her,
"Go to the trailer and invite the people in the trailer to lunch."
Janet said, "John, I think we should invite whoever is in the trailer to lunch. I get the sense God is leading us to do this!"
"You can knock on the door!" replied John.
"You've got to come with me!" Janet pleaded.
"I'll come, but you knock," said John.
That afternoon, filled with adventure, they walked to the trailer. Janet knocked on the door. Nothing. Then they heard a small voice. A woman opened the door a crack.
Janet, holding a shopping list in hand, said, "Hi, we're going to the store and wondered if we could pick anything up for you."
The woman seemed startled at having a visitor. "The only thing I have on my list is butter," she quietly replied.
By now the door had opened a bit wider. Janet, John and their daughters could see that the woman was pregnant. A man and a two year old boy were also inside.
Janet asked, "Do you need bread?"
"Okay," replied the woman.
Janet, enjoying their encounter said, "Great. On our way home we'll stop by... We actually have a pot of stew on the stove too. Would you like to join us for lunch?"
"Sure," replied the woman.
Janet said, "Good--when we get back we can all walk together to our house over there."
Excitedly, Janet, John, and the girls walked to the store, the girls hopping and skipping every other step along the way. They were giddy over what God was doing with them that moment, as they took action and walked a journey only He could lead.*
Whatever your family circumstances, God wants to lead you on your own unique path of love. This path creates powerful meaning in your life.
*Janet Butler (pseudonym), telephone conversation with Sayer, February 7, 2008.
From The High Definition Family book, pages 17-18, "It All Begins With God".